Displaying 26 - 31 of 31

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Email hidden; Javascript is required.SeanAnderson

I've been falling on rough times financially over the last year. The fact that you guys have been working so much with me financially to get the training to get me to my dreams is an amazing blessing. Pat is an amazing trainer already. Everyone who I've met and just the environmentin generalis an amazing vibe. My dream is to become a professional bodybuilder and trainer. Please keep working with me financially. I promise I won't let you guys or God down.

Email hidden; Javascript is required.AmyBrown


Email hidden; Javascript is required.KimNaftanel

Hard . Struggling with balancing a new routine for my family . A new season of life as a woman has come into play also . Trying to find a balance that is God centered but yet fuels my body (temple ) in order to fulfill His will .

Email hidden; Javascript is required.LaneeYoung

This year has started out well. My pain is less as I keep incoroprating my z-drills and warm up.
Whoa you will pray for me....You can pray for my mental strenght. Teaching in Covid is exhausing and I am very blesses with everythign I am doing but it is still exhausing.

Email hidden; Javascript is required.romansmith8830
Email hidden; Javascript is required.BethHunt

Better than for other people, so I won't complain. But it sucked.

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