You both would have been proud of Barb this morning; she was a beast- won all 5 games she played, but the highlight was her and I against 2 guys that play 4.0 in tournaments and we beat them 13-11.
Have you never fully recovered from accidents, surgery, disease or injury?
Has a lifetime of hard work, sports and staying fit taken its toll?
Do you have a recent injury and would like to heal as quickly as possible?
Do you have chronic pain or movement limitations?
Have pain or tightness for no apparent reason?
Surgery, chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, etc., etc. without success?
Aggressive rest (“Giving it time”) or aggressive training (“Just power through it”)?
About to give up some of the things you love to do, because it hurts too much?
Considering an unwanted surgery in your future?
Thinking about cancelling a trip you’re afraid you can’t enjoy?
Transformative clinic. My field of visions has greatly expanded thanks to your coaching, theoretical instruction, and technique tips. I can now see the court as a chessboard and anticipate/plan shots accordingly. My partner and I now drill and play with intent, purpose, and strategy. You've shown us how to take our play to a whole new level!
Our entire game has changed. We have learned so much from you both privately and in your First Five Shots clinic. I highly recommend Joe as a coach and Peter was remarkable with injury input for my shoulder. You are the best find ever in Colorado Springs!
Latest research on the body and mind connection when it comes to PB... Appreciated your visual grid and your personal interaction with the players...Played right after and noticed the improvement due to my improved posture...That has carried over into daily activities.
Pain is exclusively an output of your brain
It may or may not be related to damaged tissues
If you live with pain long enough it can become chronic
Your own actions and perceptions can increase or decrease your pain!
Because “it’s in your head”, does not mean it isn’t real. It is!
You may have more pain than is useful
You can reduce or eleiminate your pain…, if you know how
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