You’ve been anxiously preparing for ski season – waiting for the moment you’ll get to hit the slopes.  But…have you done the most important part of preparation?

Have you prepared your lungs for what lies in store for them at the top of that mountain?  

If you haven’t, you’ll be left feeling breathless, tired, and ultimately get left behind – embarrassed that you can’t keep up.

Don’t get left behind.

Learn how to unlock superior performance – even at high altitudes – right now.


Ski training for most of us has evolved little over the years consisting mostly of squats, lunges, cardio and maybe some bosu ball work.

Still, the first couple of days of ski season can be a real challenge and a week-long ski vacation can leave you a wreck no matter how fit you are.

So what’s really holding you back?

Skiing challenges your brain and your body in many ways that the training we described doesn’t prepare.

None of the training we described prepares you for things like high altitude, cold air, equipment weight, dynamic unpredictable odd-angle movements.

A full day of ski runs, restricted nutrition and hydration, the occasional fall and whiteout conditions, and the need to throw your upper body down the hill against all your natural instincts put your brain into…


It’s this “defense mode” that will hold you back and keep you from performing to your highest level.

At NeuroAthlete™ – we equip athletes at all stages of life with the ability to overcome their brain’s “defense mode” which allows them to perform optimally in ALL environments.

It’s that knowledge that we’ve put together in the “Best Ski Season Ever” training – the only training that will leverage the power of neuroscience to help you perform better and ultimately, have your best ski season ever.

In these short video trainings, we’ll teach you…

what muscles you can train to make breathing at altitude easier

So you can have more energy, perform better, and spend more time doing what you love without needing to rest.

why it's harder at altitude to breathe

And how you can use IMT (Inspiratory Muscle Training) like Olympian Athletes use to increase your strength and endurance.

how to synchronize your breathing with your movement so you can inhale and exhale at the right times

By learning to inhale and exhale at exactly the right times, you’ll find that your skiing is more relaxed, you use less effort, and you don’t breath nearly as hard.

The results are terrific!  I feel better than I have in a long time.  Old injuries don’t bother me anymore and I’m moving much better.

Gerry s. – colorado springs, co


step by step instructions from olympian trainers

There will be no confusion as Pro Neural Trainer, Pat Marques, breaks down exactly what you need to do step-by-step.

video tutorials of the exact exercises you need to do every day

Watch the exact movements that you need to make on video as many times as you ned to perfect your practice.

bonus trainings on how to get the most out of your body this season

Access a bonus training video of other exercises that you can do to complete your ski season training.


You’ll get lifetime access to The Best Ski Season Ever course today for just one single payment of just $47.

That’s less than half of what you’ll pay for a single day ski pass!

Now is your chance to make this season your best season ever.

Before you know it, you’ll be on your way to increased performance, better breathing, and your BEST SKI SEASON EVER!


We’ve trained athletes from all walks of life – from Olympian Medal Winners to retired executives – helping each one to achieve their goals.

No matter what your stage in life or what athletic endeavor you’re undertaking –

Neural Training™ works.

I thought my running career was over.  now, I win spartan races!

I’ve had a long and evolving running career.  I started running in college and did my first 10k shortly thereafter.  I ran my first marathon in my 40s and have done several half marathons since.

Along the way, I’ve had cancer, been in a horrific car accident, and had multiple surgeries among other medical issues.  These things left me very little upper body strength and mobility which made Spartan obstacles even more challenging.  I had trouble just opening up jars, much less picking up a 75lb atlas stone.

After sought help in multiple areas – chiropractic, physical therapy, hypnosis for the pain and headaches – all without lasting success.  I was at a loss on what to do.

Luckily a friend recommended a new concept to me – NeuralTraining.  When I began working with Grove on a neurological approach, things began to change.

As a result, I’ve improved dramatically.  Now, not only do I continue to race, but I continue to improve!


If you’re really ready to have your best ski season ever – to perform better, last longer, and do it all without getting out of breath – you need The Best Ski Season Ever course now.

Olympian Trainers.  Brain Hackers.  Your Key To Peak Performance.




