Disease, pain, and injury can steal the things that matter to us most.  We lose our ability to exercise, suffer with chronic pain, and even feel like surgery might be our only option.  However, it doesn’t have to be that way.

Leverage the latest neurological research to “hack your brain” so you can get back to doing what you love.

the latest in neurological research is here.


Neural Training™ is a process which equips individuals with tools created developed from the latest neurological research so you can create outcomes they desire.  Decrease pain, prevent injury, recover faster & take control of your body with these “brain hacks.”

Neural training™ can be used to:

increase physical ability

NeuralTraining™ can be used to increase balance, mobility, & get you back in the body you want.  Whether it’s increasing endurance, reading without glasses, or getting back to exercise, we’re here to help.

decrease pain

Your brain could be causing you to feel “false pain” right now.  When you connect the two parts of your brain through NeuralTraining™, you can decrease or eliminate this unnecessary pain.

recover faster

When the two parts of your brain are working together effectively, recovery time after injury or surgery can be drastically decreased.  In fact, in some cases, NeuralTraining™ can even prevent surgery.
The results are terrific!  I feel better than I have in a long time.  Old injuries don’t bother me anymore and I’m moving much better.
Gerry s. – colorado springs, co

Think NeuralTraining™ Might Be Right For You?


Taking control of your life and your body begins with a simple conversation.



I thought my running career was over.  now, I win spartan races!

I’ve had a long and evolving running career.  I started running in college and did my first 10k shortly thereafter.  I ran my first marathon in my 40s and have done several half marathons since.

Along the way, I’ve had cancer, been in a horrific car accident, and had multiple surgeries among other medical issues.  These things left me very little upper body strength and mobility which made Spartan obstacles even more challenging.  I had trouble just opening up jars, much less picking up a 75lb atlas stone.

After sought help in multiple areas – chiropractic, physical therapy, hypnosis for the pain and headaches – all without lasting success.  I was at a loss on what to do.

Luckily a friend recommended a new concept to me – NeuralTraining.  When I began working with Grove on a neurological approach, things began to change.

As a result, I’ve improved dramatically.  Now, not only do I continue to race, but I continue to improve!

your brain consists of two parts.

the part that you control and the part that controls you.

Through a process known as NeuralTraining™, we can help your two brains work together in a more efficient manner.  This will allow you to unlock many “brain hacks” that will help you to achieve your unique goals.

Whether it’s running a marathon, reading without glasses, or decreasing pain, chances are high that NeuralTraining™ will help you to reach your goals.  While effective, NeuralTraining™ isn’t right for everything.

The first step to finding out if it is right for you is to schedule your complimentary, exploratory conversation.  During this time, we’ll discuss your history and your goals to see if NeuralTraining™ can help you take back control over your body.






find out more


The first step to taking back control of your life and your body is a simple conversation.  During this time, we’ll discuss your history and the goals you’d like to achieve.

If it seems like NeuralTraining™ is a good fit for you, we’ll discuss it.

If not, we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.