Leverage the latest neurological research to “hack your brain” so you can get back to doing what you love.
Neural Training™ is a process which equips individuals with tools created developed from the latest neurological research so you can create outcomes they desire. Decrease pain, prevent injury, recover faster & take control of your body with these “brain hacks.”
Neural training™ can be used to:
increase physical ability
decrease pain
recover faster
I thought my running career was over. now, I win spartan races!
Along the way, I’ve had cancer, been in a horrific car accident, and had multiple surgeries among other medical issues. These things left me very little upper body strength and mobility which made Spartan obstacles even more challenging. I had trouble just opening up jars, much less picking up a 75lb atlas stone.
After sought help in multiple areas – chiropractic, physical therapy, hypnosis for the pain and headaches – all without lasting success. I was at a loss on what to do.
Luckily a friend recommended a new concept to me – NeuralTraining. When I began working with Grove on a neurological approach, things began to change.
As a result, I’ve improved dramatically. Now, not only do I continue to race, but I continue to improve!
the part that you control and the part that controls you.
Whether it’s running a marathon, reading without glasses, or decreasing pain, chances are high that NeuralTraining™ will help you to reach your goals. While effective, NeuralTraining™ isn’t right for everything.
The first step to finding out if it is right for you is to schedule your complimentary, exploratory conversation. During this time, we’ll discuss your history and your goals to see if NeuralTraining™ can help you take back control over your body.
If it seems like NeuralTraining™ is a good fit for you, we’ll discuss it.
If not, we’ll do our best to point you in the right direction.